Legal Notice
About our website
force-promotion.ch (the “website”) freely accessible via force-promotion.ch belongs to Force Promotion SA, Société Anonyme with capital of CHF 100’000, registered office Rue de Verdaine 6, 1204 Geneva.
The site is edited by :
Force Promotion SA, Société Anonyme, CHE-100.608.372, Rue de Verdaine 6, 1204 Geneva
Managing editor :
Force Promotion SA, Société Anonyme – CHE-100.608.372
Webmaster :
Procab Studio, Société Anonyme, Rue du clos 5, 1207 Geneva
Website hosting :
Infomaniak, 25 Eugène-Marziano, 1227 Les Acacias
Intellectual property and infringements
Force Promotion SA owns the intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all elements that are accessible on the site, including text, images, graphics, logo, icons, etc.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or the process used, is prohibited, unless prior written authorization is given by Force Promotion SA.
Privacy policy
Contact form and comments
You may be prompted to provide us with your e-mail address when you complete our contact form or leave a comment on one of the articles on the website force-promotion.ch.
Under no circumstances will your e-mail address be assigned to third parties.
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Photo and video credits
Demir Sönmez – Photography Geneva : https://www.photographygeneva.com/
Marilyne Bruno-Senevat – Cosmodrone : https://cosmodrone.ch/